A few years back I was spending time in Uganda and stumbled upon an audiobook hidden in my iTunes library. The voice that came from the speaker was startling and unexpected as my music shuffled from reggae, pop, rap, and edm. After a few minutes of listening to a middle chapter I was hooked and quickly searched for the entire mysterious audiobook.
I was staying at a friends restaurant which had three rooms in the back. I was the only guest and often one of a handful of diners. At night, half a gate was locked with a large gap missing about 50 feet down. Extra safe. With no one to speak with on a desolate street I began to listen to World War Z. For those of you who have read or watched the movie, staring Brad Pit, you’ll perhaps understand listening to this recount of a zombie apocalypse under my circumstances wasn’t ideal. The story takes place in 2006 after the zombies have taken over. The author moves from country to country, leader to leader, survivor after survivor interviewing and recording their recount of the horror.
This time has felt a bit like that book. The news clips, the numbers rising, the fast pace of our lives growing smaller and more unstable. Living in NYC it feels as if the slowest tsunami is headed our way. Some of us already up high looking out at the sea swelling, while others amazed by the receding ocean go up close to take a look. We’re shouting from the rooftops, no, run, find shelter, protect yourself, while others believe they have plenty of time or simply can’t see whats coming.
What else can you do but sit and stare. Stare out into the sky, take stock of your belongings, and try to feel blessed for the things you have. Health, home, friends, family, imagination, foresight, fresh air, information, and protection. I wish all of these things for every New Yorker, American, Global citizen, and sure why not every creature.
It’s been one week of significant reduced interactions, two weeks of panic, three weeks of uncertainty, and three months of awareness that something was coming. Stick with me as we untangle the mess, process what’s taken place, and imagine a new future.