Another gray day. The weather projection says storms all week. Today was a bit of a bust. The cell service was out meaning my backup internet was down. Not knowing it was a regional issue and not a me issue I spent a good portion of the morning trying to connect. We’ve all experienced the struggle of poor connection, trying with all of our might to fix something that is outside of our power. Breaks of sun popped up begging me to drop the computer and head to the beach. My stubbornness persisted. With the adequate AirBnB wifi, I struggled through meetings, dropping connection, writing in the chat when my connection became robotic, and/or shortened meetings that just weren’t moving along. I’ve worked remotely for years, especially in Uganda, where similar issues persisted. Working remote from far corners of the world was and continues to be many peoples dream. As someone who has had that opportunity, I can say a cafe, is a cafe, is a cafe. If you are working from NYC, Jamaica, or Uganda, it doesn’t matter where you are, what matters is you like your work. The only difference between working in Jamaica and NYC right now is the weather. Yes, that is a big deal but not everything. For example, this week in NYC it is breaking into the 60’s and maybe even the 70’s. This is that first magical week where everyone strips off their clothing, skips down the street, feels some release of seasonal depression, and every man looses his damn mind as if he forgot what an ass and legs look like. First day of “Poom Poom Shorts” is one of my favorite unofficial NYC holidays. Traveling alone or living in a tropical climate, even for a month, those around you take it for granted. No one to share the giddy joy of a sudden switch to warm weather is apparent.
The day ended with our weekly Queens Qweens call. I love these meetings. I’m joined by a group of 5+ NYC Fair Trade Coalition members, all living in Queens, committed to opening a storefront selling sustainable products, offering a clothing swap, and other services. These women cure any homesickness. So blessed to have the support and collaboration each day.